Upload your logo, artwork, 
and/or imprint below!

Scroll down to upload any logo or imprint info we might need. Please note the variety of imprint options for different products. Include your contact info so we can be in touch with questions. 

Set-up fees will apply to first time personalized product orders. Set-up fees will always appear at checkout but will be removed before processing if the order is a repeat order.

Preferred file format for artwork:     

Vector Artwork Files: 

• Illustrator (.AI) 

 • Vector (.EPS) 

 • Vector PDF (.pdf file created from a Vector in an art program such as Adobe Illustrator)

Other file format (must be a minimum of 300 dpi at size of print):

• .jpg 

• .gif

• .png

• .bmp (If you are using a "scanned image" it is a Bitmap) 

After successful upload go back to your cart to complete your order!